
President's Message - September

President's Message - July
Monday is the holiday which typically marks the end of summer and the start of the school year. Kicking off this school year, the Saint Joseph School and its PTG has asked the Men’s Club to help celebrate their new playground area with a BBQ gathering. This is currently schedule for Saturday, the 17th of September with the use of Holy Smoker cooker. Sounds like a great opportunity show some school dads how this machine works!
My request for speakers from the city has been crickets, but still on-going. Let me know about your possible speaker connections, or perhaps we could have a show-and-tell about current summer projects from our members.
Thank you to Pete Delisi who has stepped forward to ensure the Men’s Club Retreat will still be on this year in November, despite the unexpected death of our brother, Dennis Dubro.
And many thanks to Steve Radigan and his construction crew for building ten sturdy tables for use at the Holy Family Picnic Area.
Don’t forget about our September meeting on Tuesday the 6th, 7:00 in the Church Hall.
See you at the meeting.

Bench assembly

On Saturday, August 27, 6 members of the SJMC gathered at the Holy Family Picnic area adjacent to the Carriage House and assembled 10 heavy wooden outdoor picnic benches. Eve with a couple of false starts (assemble first; read instructions later), it took just 2 ½ hours to complete the task in assembly line fashion.

                Thanks to Mike Gaffey, Tom Leen, Ben Chew, Al Rendon and Greg Stephens for responding to a call for service on short notice.
  • Steve R.

Year at a Glance

Here is a link to our "Year at a Glance" calendar:

Link to calendar

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