
President's Message - August

President's Message - July
Looks like the Men’s Club will be able to pull off the post Parish Meeting Lunch for this year despite the low response. The end of July must be a busy time for our membership. Fortunately, we have a small dedicate group of faithful helpers, who together with the WOSJ have made the critical quorum. The plan is to provide a simple BBQ lunch to 200 parishioners after the Parish Meeting, 30 July; I’ll tell you how it went at the meeting on Tuesday.
If you were not able to participate in this event, there will be opportunities in the near future. Particularly at the end of August, where the St. Joseph school has requested that we do the same, although slightly smaller group. The details are still in progress.
First up on the meeting Agenda will be an Eagle Project presentation from Boy Scout Martin Laus. Martin is part of the Scout troop the Men’s Club sponsors, and has helped us in Men’s Club events in the past.
Also speaking will be our Spiritual Chairman, Dennis Dubro, on his notes from a recent Conference of Christian Scientists.
It appears only excuse for missing the August Men’s Club meeting is if you are involved in National Night out which unfortunately falls on the same night as our meetings; choose wisely.
Also we may have some prospective members at this meeting, so be sure to to introduce yourselves and guide them to our Membership chairman, Jerome H to get on our list for the monthly Newsletter.
See you at the meeting.

Aug Club General Meeting-Aug 2nd at 7:00PM Parish Hall

July Club General Meeting-July 5th at 7:00PM Parish Hall
Dennis will present a summary of the talks at the annual meeting of Catholic Scientists (www.catholicscientist.org) June 3-5 at Mundelein Seminay outside of Chicago
Two major talks are on the perennial teaching of the popes and saints on caring for creation because we, ourselves, are part of creation. Problems develop when we set ourselves up apart from creation. It is like divorcing ourselves from ourselves. There were also talks on hurricane and climate change, Responses of Tropical Forests to Extreme Drought, The Bee’s Knees: How Bees Play a Role in Shaping our Environment, Stewardship on a Large Scale: Large Ecosystem Restoration and the Great Lakes and a special fun talk from Br Guy Consolmagno S.J.,from the Vatican Observatory in Arizona.
For those who want the full skinny, the videos are now available of all 12 talks from SCS’s 2022 conference held last month, the theme of which was “Earth and Environmental Stewardship.” They can be found HERE in the video section of the SCS website and on the SCS youtube channel.

Men's Club Aug VP of Spirituality message

Hi guys
This month of August we have some of the most beautiful feast days of our Mother
22 Mon The Queenship of the Blessed Virgin Mary

In keeping with my usual practice, please pray for our clergy at St. Joseph’s and a couple of seminarians. This month, pray for Antonio Espinoza, Garrett McGowan

Year at a Glance

Here is a link to our "Year at a Glance" calendar:

Link to calendar

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