
President's Message June 2021

President's Message June 2021
We are unofficially into summer with Memorial Day round the corner. This is the start of BBQ season for many families. We wait with bated breath for June 15th, the anticipated day when Governor Newsome will open the state and our lives can perhaps go back to normal.

This month on the 6th we celebrate the feast or Corpus Christi (the body and blood of Christ). Our parish will host a procession on June 5th after 5:30PM mass to mark the feast, all are encouraged to attend. This will also be a service opportunity for our group to assist with parking and the procession.

Our June General Meeting will be on Tuesday June 1st at 7:00PM and will be a remote meeting. This month we will be reviewing a presentation from Bishop Barron on a key topic to all of us “Why are Catholics leaving the faith and what can we do to bring them home”. The presentation (video) will be followed by discussion time on what we as Men of St. Joseph can do to be part of the solution to this problem (see more in article in this newsletter titled June General Meeting presentation and log on instructions for June General Meeting).

On June 6th at the 9:00AM mass the Club will announce and present the 2021 Faria Scholarship to one of the most deserving parish High School senior. Come attend the mass and congratulate the recipient.

This month we will conduct a survey of our membership to gauge the vaccination status and comfort of members in attending in person events, meetings, and fellowship events. Please respond when you receive the survey.

Until next month- Stay safe and healthy

Ashley Weerpass

June Message from the VP for Spirituality

June Message from the VP for Spirituality
We have been struggling in the pandemic-imposed isolation, where we have been forced to focus on ourselves and dear ones for survival. We also live in a competitive society in which life is presented as being “about me” rather than what I can do for the community that I belong to. This is a pagan view of competition. As we move out of the pandemic milieu and return to a more normal situation, let us try to move on from the concept that competition is about beating the “other guy” – perhaps even to a “crush, kill, destroy” mentality, with me coming out on top. There is a Christian approach to competition that is different. It is the approach of challenging the “other guy” to become better. I train and practice hard to become a better sportsman to challenge my opponents to do the same. If someone cheats me in business, rather than setting out on a vendetta to put him out of business through revenge or vituperative tactics, learn to build a better product that will attract customers and will put him out of business if he does not improve.

You know, I have been sitting alone in my small apartment, staring at the walls. I have found a company which sells murals with permanent or reusable adhesive wall paper. I bought a 5’ high by 8’ wide mural of Sedona. I can lean back and pretend I am looking outside my picture window at a local landscape all the way to the horizon. If anyone wants to see it, send me an email and I will attach a copy. But why am I telling you this in my spiritual message? On one hand, this type of mural can help restore some sanity to your mental and spiritual health in our isolation, but also because they have some wonderful spiritual murals which can decorate your home and inspire you to a greater presence of God by having them in your constant view. I am pasting in a couple of links below




I think we all have heard that our Bishop, Michael Barber, was robbed at gunpoint last week. Let us not forget to pray for our clergy.

Peace and prayers,Dennis

June General Meeting Presentation

June General Meeting Presentation
Our June General Meeting will be held remotely using the Zoom application on Tuesday June 1st starting at 7:00PM. The presentation will be an enlightening video from Bishop Barron on the topic of “Why Catholics are leaving the church and what can we do to bring them home.” This video will be followed by a discussion on the role we can all play as individuals and as a group to be part of the solution to welcome back our brothers and sisters. The presentation is sure to enlighten and inspire you to act. Zoom log in information is listed in the article June General Meeting Log on, in this newsletter.

June General Meeting Zoom Logon

June General Meeting Zoom Logon
Meeting: June Men’s Club General Meeting

Date: Tuesday June 1st. 2021

Time: 7:00- 8:30 PM


Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 723 651 7968
Passcode: 708108
One tap mobile
+16699006833,,7236517968# US (San Jose)

St. Joseph Parish Celebrates Its Roots

St. Joseph Parish Celebrates Its Roots
Saturday and Sunday, June 12th and 13th, St. Joseph Parish will celebrate the 224th anniversary of the founding of “La Mision del Gloriosisimo Patriarca San Jose” on June 11, 1797.

On Saturday evening, June 12th at 5:30p.m., we will hold a special celebration of Holy Mass in the Mission Church. The 200-year-old Mission Bells will ring; Spanish music from the early days of the Mission will be played by Ronald McKean on our historic Rosales Opus 14 Spanish Organ; and the Presider will read the account from that day in 1797. Arrive early for limited seating and wear a mask for COVID compliance. The ceremony will also be streamed live via the St. Joseph Parish website at www.saintjosephmsj.org, and you may view it on a screen in the Main Church or from your own computer.

Special docent-led tours will be offered at 11:00 a.m. and 2:00 p.m. on both Saturday and Sunday by advance reservation. Space is limited, so sign up early at missionsanjose.org.

In the patio garden, you will see a large collection models of Old Mission San Jose on display throughout the weekend created by 4th Graders (with the apparent help of Mom and Dad) as a part of their school curriculum. You are guaranteed to be impressed by the quality of these models from kids all around California. These treasures were donated to us after fulfilling their school assignments.

For those who relish history, visit missionsanjose.org for an inspiring account of this day in 1797. And while on the website, view amazing videos and photographs in the Gallery or consider a purchase from our online Gift Shop.

July General Meeting Presentation - Sneak Peak

July General Meeting Presentation - Sneak Peak
Fr John Prochaska will be our speaker at our July meeting. He is a local boy who earned a degree in chemical engineering and was working for a local packaging company when he felt called to the priesthood. He was and still is a keen backpacker. He was ordained May 29, 1993, and served at St. Joseph Parish in Pinole and St. Leander Parish in San Leandro before coming to Our Lady of Guadalupe Parish about 17 years ago as pastor. In his priesthood, travels and mission, he felt called to something more. Five years ago, he received a leave of absence from Bishop Barber to join the Missionary Society of St James, which takes diocesan priests and places them for five years in mission territory in Peru before returning them to their home diocese. Since he had backpacking experience at high altitudes (he had scaled Mt Whitney above 14,000 ft) he was assigned to an alpine parish at 13,000 feet, from where he visited his parishioners as high as 17,000 ft. Fr John is back now and will be assigned to St Joseph the Worker parish in Berkeley on July 1. He will address us at our July meeting and share some of his experiences and perspective. Attend the meeting and hear from a true missionary!

Year at a Glance

Here is a link to our "Year at a Glance" calendar:

Link to calendar