Welcome to our year-long commemoration of Mission San Jose’s 225th Anniversary. In 2022 we will pay special tribute to the people whose lives have shaped our rich heritage, starting with the Franciscan missionaries who sowed the seeds of Christian faith that has endured for nearly 225 years. Special events are planned throughout the year:  Pilgrimages * Speaker Series * Walking Tours * Concerts * Founder’s Day Mass and Festival on June 11 & 12. See https://mission225.org/

January Events

Jan. 8         Speaker Series #1, “Our Sacred Ground” The Ohlone Story

Presenter: Andy Galvan. Learn about the culture and lifestyle of the Ohlone native peoples from pre-contact through the Mission era, Mexican Secularization, and the California Gold Rush. Register at https://mission225.org/

Jan. 30       Concert, San Francisco Bay Area Chamber Choir.

Specializing in a cappella works of masters of the past and significant modern composers including Eleanor Daley’s Requiem, as well as works by Ralph Vaughn-Williams, Stephen Paulus, Undine Smith Moore, William Dawson, and Moses Hogan. Watch for ticket information at https://www.sfbaychoir.org/

Join the Team: We need your help with the many events planned for the year, especially Sponsorship Coordinator and help with Publicity and Merchandise. Contact Gary or Nancy Dorighi to volunteer your special skills at gdorighi@saintjosephmsj.org or ndorighi@saintjosephmsj.org or 510-657-7543. Bookmark and check our website for updates and information as the year progresses https://mission225.org/