March 23, 2020


Steve Conn

Years ago, I kept noticing men I knew from other aspects of my life who I liked and respected who also belonged to Saint Joseph. At Mass, they often were wearing these matching blue polo shirts. One day I asked one of them what that was all about. They asked me to join them. For me, I like the Service and Fellowship the most. Belonging to the Men of Saint Joseph allows me to more actively participate in these types of events with guys I like who have similar interests and values. It also makes our very large Parish much smaller and personal for me.

Gary Dorighi

I have always enjoyed organizing things and helping others…from coaching my kids’ teams to my career. I guess Service is in my DNA. For the Parish, I had helped here and there, and I was a Lector at Mass; but I knew I had room for another ministry. Former Men’s Club President, George Perry, remembers inviting my wife Nancy, then President of the Women’s Club, to the annual Men’s Club Spouse Dinner. She decided to bring me along, and the rest is history. I had met most of the guys before, but I didn’t really know them. After a few events and our Weekend Retreat, I found out we have a great group of guys. I’m here to stay.

Ashley Weerpass

The Men of Saint Joseph are a fun diverse group of men from all walks of life. The common theme they have is that they are all passionate about growing and deepening their understanding of our faith, giving back to others through acts of stewardship, and seem to enjoy the comradery of each other.

I am impressed by the finely honed engine of delivery the group possesses in all they do. I find I can contribute much with an efficient use of my time because they have a process and others are willing to help me. It is a pleasure to be part of this group. It makes my parish a community for me.

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