SJMC Mar 2022 Board Meeting Minutes

SJMC Board meeting minutes, 15 March 2022 Zoom meeting

Ashley, Axel, Dennis, Gary, Greg, Jerome, Steve C., Steve R., Tom

Decisions and Actions

  1. Greg is to get back to Fr. Anthony regarding what is being requested from the Men’s Club for the picnic area.
  2. With the relaxation of Covid restrictions on indoor dining it was agreed to have a single seating for the Vaqueros BBQ on Sat April 30. Tickets will be limited to 200 and there will be no kid specific menu choices. If electronic ticket sales are possible the ticket selling will be limited to the 3 weekends before the event. Otherwise ticket sales after all Masses will be done on the 4 weekends before the event.
  3. Steve C. will ensure that electronic ticket sales will happen.
  4. Greg will look into the permit requirements for the BBQ event.
  5. Greg will have Skip check with Fr. Anthony on whether the Men’s Club will serve champagne after the Easter Vigil.
  6. The April general membership meeting will be an in person meeting in the Parish Hall. Suggestions for a speaker can be sent to Greg. It was noted that we should look out for 6 months when getting speakers for future in person meetings.