SJMC Feb 2022 Board Meeting Minutes

SJMC Board meeting minutes, 15 Feb 2022  Zoom meeting


Ashley, Dennis, Gary, Greg, Steve, Skip, Tom


  1. Club will go ahead with this year’s school scholarships as has been done in previous years.
  2. The April 30 BBQ will be called the ‘Vaqueros BBQ’. Assistance will be requested from other parish ministries. There will be 2 seating’s with the earlier one being more kid friendly.
  3. The Men’s club will host a pancake breakfast in support of the Mission 225 event on Sunday June 12. The breakfast will be from 8:45 to 10:30 am approximately and will be served in the Mission patio. Greg and Tom will organize it.
  4. The March general meeting will be on Fat Tuesday, Mar 1 at Bronco Billy’s. There will be a trivia competition lined up to find out just how much you know about this very Catholic feast with its roots dating back to Roman Times. Pizza will be provided by the club and there will be a no host bar. Beer and pizza will be free for new members/guests.
  5. Mission 225 banners were placed around the church, school and rectory by Gary, Steve and Greg?
  6. Gary reported that there is a permit application process in place for people wishing to use the Mission Church and Museum as a background for photo events or congregations.
