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President’s October Message

It’s nice to get some rain, but let’s hope Fall doesn’t come in too quickly. There is still one big event that everybody should be plan to attend. Specifically, this will be the Men’s gathering and BBQ at the end of October. The exact date still needs to be confirmed, but looks like perhaps Sunday the 29th. I hope to have the date nailed down by the meeting on Tuesday.

Look for a parish wide announcement in the bulletin in a few weeks regarding our Men’s Fall Retreat. Sign up as soon as you can because we are expecting a larger group this year. More details can be found on the Men’s Ministry web site, or of course, at the meeting on Tuesday.

By the way, the next Men’s Ministry Meeting will be on the 2nd of October. Yes, the first Tuesday of the month, at 7:00PM in the Mission Museum A/V room (South end of the Museum Building). Please plan to attend as we will have pizza and beverages available.

I look forward to seeing you there, and anyone attending for the first time!

Yours in Christian Brotherhood,
