President’s Message September 2021

September 2021 and the celebration of Labor Day (6th September) marks the prelude to Fall.
This year our first day of Fall is 22nd September, the gardening enthusiast in the club are no
doubt preparing their gardens for the season changes.

This month we will also begin the new mass schedule for St. Joseph Parish starting on
September 12th.Please check the parish website for the mass times and locations.

Our September General Meeting will be held on Tuesday 7th September starting at 7:00PM. This
will be a remote meeting utilizing zoom. Our Guest speaker will be our very own Mission
Enthusiast and Mission coordinator Gary Dorighi. Gary will speak on “The Spanish Alta
California Missions and the Founding of Mission San Jose”. Please see article on September
General Meeting for log-in credentials.

We closed out the month of August with two BBQ’s one on August 14th for the state of the
Parish meeting and the second for the Families and Faith program, see the article from Greg
Stephens in this newsletter. My thanks to the members who helped at both events.

In August we were fortunate to have an in-person fellowship meeting (3rd August) the meeting
was attended by about 18 members, and we had a great time just socializing.
That’s all for this month, look forward to seeing you virtually at the General Meeting