President’s Message- October 2021

October is upon us, unfortunately the typical celebrations like Octoberfest, Chuck Wagon BBQ’s and other things cannot be done due to the pandemic.

There is however good news on the horizon with the 3rd booster available to seniors over 65 and other select groups. It is also expected that the children’s vaccine may be available by month end. Case counts in our counties are also starting to trend downward. All this gives us hope for slowly moving towards a family filled Thanksgiving and Christmas season.

Our club continues to host meetings virtually, our general meeting on the first Tuesday of each moth (October 5th this month) and the board meeting every third Tuesday of the month. More in another announcement in this newsletter on General meeting. This month Dennis Dubro will present a review of the Catholic Scientist Conference which he attended earlier in the year. It promises to be a very interesting talk as the conference was focused on extraterrestrial life.

This month our parish also started the St. Joseph virtual summit, you will receive a message from Dennis Dubro our Spiritual VP (look for it in e-mail).

Fr. Mark Ruiz our Parochial Vicar has been transferred from St. Joseph to the Immaculate Heart of Mary Parish in Brentwood; he starts on Friday October 1st. We will miss Fr. Mark dearly and our prayers and best wishes go with him.

That’s all for this month, stay well and happy.

Ashley Weerpass