President’s message – November 2024

Dear Brothers,

A great job to all who helped out with the post Fun Run Lunch in October, especially Tom Pham for
running the grill, and John Pohlman on the food serving. It was well appreciated by the Family of Faith

Our November meeting comes on a special night however, since we all should have voted by mail,
everyone should be able to attend on Tuesday the 5 th (excused absence from Ron will is working his local polling place). Also, free info for the undecided.

More importantly, we will be discussing our Fall retreat in San Juan Bautista on the 23-24 th , and include a short video. All parish men (not a requirement) are invited, so please mark your calendars to attend the Men’s Ministry General meeting on the 5 th of November in the Church Hall at 7:00PM.

I look forward to meeting new members at the pre-meeting social.

Yours in Christian Brotherhood,