President’s Message June 2021

We are unofficially into summer with Memorial Day round the corner. This is the start of BBQ season for many families. We wait with bated breath for June 15th, the anticipated day when Governor Newsome will open the state and our lives can perhaps go back to normal.

This month on the 6th we celebrate the feast or Corpus Christi (the body and blood of Christ). Our parish will host a procession on June 5th after 5:30PM mass to mark the feast, all are encouraged to attend. This will also be a service opportunity for our group to assist with parking and the procession.

Our June General Meeting will be on Tuesday June 1st at 7:00PM and will be a remote meeting. This month we will be reviewing a presentation from Bishop Barron on a key topic to all of us “Why are Catholics leaving the faith and what can we do to bring them home”. The presentation (video) will be followed by discussion time on what we as Men of St. Joseph can do to be part of the solution to this problem (see more in article in this newsletter titled June General Meeting presentation and log on instructions for June General Meeting).

On June 6th at the 9:00AM mass the Club will announce and present the 2021 Faria Scholarship to one of the most deserving parish High School senior. Come attend the mass and congratulate the recipient.

This month we will conduct a survey of our membership to gauge the vaccination status and comfort of members in attending in person events, meetings, and fellowship events. Please respond when you receive the survey.

Until next month- Stay safe and healthy

Ashley Weerpass