Presidents Message July 2020

We are deep into Summer 2020 and enjoying the warm weather, albeit in our backyards and in our neighborhoods. This year we will all celebrate the 4th in many unique ways, I would love to hear from you how you spent it at our next General Meeting on July 7th.

At our June general meeting we were treated to an excellent presentation on the Panama Canal by Skip Phair. I personally have not visited it and I learned a lot from Skip’s talk, thank you Skip! This month, we will be treated to another great vacation presentation on Indochina and its marvels. It will be delivered by Gary Dorighi and is sure to be a crowd pleaser, do not forget to join us and tell your friends to attend too. Meeting information is in the newsletter and on the website (zoom meeting).

Last month, on Corpus Christi our parish held the first live communion distribution event since we shut down. My thanks to the members who volunteered and helped work traffic/parking control for the event. We had strong support for the event from the parish and our club.

Our parish is currently working with the diocese and our Bishop on plans to reopen live masses. Please check the parish website often for updates and details when available.

The club calendar is published on the website but there are no changes since last month; we still await guidance on our ability to hold fellowship events.

I look forward to seeing you at our July meeting and a Happy, safe 4th of July to all.

Ashley Weerpass