Presidents Message January 2021

I write this message on the last day of 2020, what a year it has been. I am sure that you like myself are glad that the year is over and look forward to 2021 with great anticipation of better things to come.

At the December 2020 General Meeting we elected the 2021 board, all the same members as 2020 in the same positions and with their same duties. This is to enable us to have continuity of the plans we started but were forced to abandon as we moved into lock down due to the pandemic.

The club with the rest of our parish wish our new pastor Fr. Anthony Huong Le a warm welcome (back). We also wisht to thank Msgr. Manny Simas for his dedicated leadership over the years and are glad that he will still be around at the parish.

Our first General Meeting will be on 5th January at 7:00 PM utilizing Zoom (see article in this newsletter). At the meeting we will be previewing several members favorite books to read. Come to the meeting and pick up a new list of reading material for 2021.

I want to wish all of you and your families a blessed, healthy, safe and love filled 2021.
