President Message for November I wasn’t sure what day to have the November meeting since Mass was scheduled at the same time. The day after is the same thing, and the day before, a national holiday (as least for the kids). Even a week later landed on Election Day. Finally, it was decided to stick to the same day, just an hour later. So please make a point attend this meeting as we have several items to discuss. Men’s Club November Meeting: Tuesday the 1st in the Church Hall 8:00PM after the All Saints Day Evening Mass. The annual retreat is on. Our assistant Spiritual Director, Pete DeLisi has secured a great deal for the November Retreat. As before this will be the weekend before Thanksgiving; hear all the details at the Tuesday meeting. Also needing discussion is a possible Christmas gathering at someone’s home or in the Mission. Also, the Men’s Club won’t be cooking at the Olive Harvest on November 12, but there is still need for volunteers to direct traffic during the Boutique on November 19th for anyone not going on the retreat. If you can help out for short period on Saturday, please let me know. See you at the meeting, after Mass. -Greg

President’s Message for November 2022

I wasn’t sure what day to have the November meeting since Mass was scheduled at the same time. The day after is the same thing, and the day before, a national holiday (as least for the kids). Even a week later landed on Election Day. Finally, it was decided to stick to the same day, just an hour later. So please make a point attend this meeting as we have several items to discuss.
Men’s Club November Meeting: Tuesday the 1st in the Church Hall 8:00PM after the All Saints Day Evening Mass.
The annual retreat is on. Our assistant Spiritual Director, Pete DeLisi has secured a great deal for the November Retreat. As before this will be the weekend before Thanksgiving; hear all the details at the Tuesday meeting.
Also needing discussion is a possible Christmas gathering at someone’s home or in the Mission.
Also, the Men’s Club won’t be cooking at the Olive Harvest on November 12, but there is still need for volunteers to direct traffic during the Boutique on November 19th for anyone not going on the retreat. If you can help out for short period on Saturday, please let me know.
See you at the meeting, after Mass.