President’s Message for June 2022

Before coming to the next Men’s Club meeting, you will have to make a choice. Of course, you want to attend the Men’s Club meeting on the first Tuesday of the month, but first, make sure you vote; then you can make it to the Church Hall 7:00 on the 7th for our June meeting.
The Men’s Club has been very supportive of the Parish community in the last month. We have served lunch for the 4th grade Mission Run, selected an essay winner for the 6th grade class, and participated in the Parish Clean-up Day. However, our next event will be even more visible to the local community, and may require a few more hands. This will be the 225 Pancake Breakfast on Sunday morning, June 12 on the Mission Patio. Time and details will be presented at the meeting.
Outstanding member this month is Lou Zenzen for procuring and replacing the leg bracket on the tall bar table that broke right before the Vaqueros BBQ. The repair is as good as new. Thanks again, Lou.
Plan to be there, and I’ll see you at the June meeting.