President’s message – February 2025

Dear Brothers,

Finally, after months of deliberation, the Men’s Ministry Board has selected a new chairman for the
membership’s approval. Steve Radigan, a worthy and qualified fellow, has agreed to perform the office
of Ministry chairman for the remainder of 2025. This is great news, and I encourage all member to
confirm this action, along with Tom Leen for the position of Vice-President. Other changes in the Board
include Ashley Weerpass, well qualified as Ministry Secretary. Thank you for your commitment, and let
them know that they have our full support.
Consequently, these changes have opened board positions of Service and Spirituality Chairman that are
still being actively solicited. Please let any board member know if you have any interest these board
The Men’s Ministry will be hosting the Hospitality Sunday on February 2 after each morning Mass. If you
have not signed up to help out, please consider coming by to show your support, and let the men of the
parish know about our speaker at the Tuesday meeting.
Our February monthly meeting will be in the Carriage House on Tuesday February 4 th at 7:00. In addition
to the social, our speaker will be tech advisor Ash Weerpass describing what to consider when buying a
flat screen TV. This sounds very interesting.

See you there on the 2nd , and the 4th.


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