President’s Message – February 2021

The first month of 2021 is over and it went fast, many of us have put away begrudgingly our Christmas decorations. The month of February has many notable events, among them are Chinese New Year, Valentine’s day, ground hog day and Ash Wednesday. The celebration of Ash Wednesday marks our entry into Lent and the celebration of Easter. Ground hog day will signal spring and the regular planting season for the gardening enthusiast among us.

A fun fact, this year’s Chinese New Year animal mascot is the year of the Ox. According to the Chinese horoscope the Ox is a reliable, dependable, and resilient animal that can be relied upon all the time. Therefore, this year is synonymous with hard work, determination, strength, and resilience to achieve the things that you want to accomplish in life. Hopefully as we move beyond this Covid 19 pandemic, we can all move on with our lives and accomplish our goals.

This month our general meeting will be on Tuesday 2nd February at 7:00 PM utilizing the Zoom platform. We are delighted that our pastor Fr. Anthony will be our guest speaker. His presentation will be enlightening, uplifting and reflective; You will not want to miss it. Let all your friends know, the meeting is open to all. A link for the meeting is listed in the appended article titled February general meeting.

At the meeting we will also highlight the upcoming presentation topics, speakers, and events for the rest of 2021. We will share the results of the survey we recently conducted; your votes have driven our choices.