President’s message – December 2024

Dear Brothers,

As the days get colder, we enter the season of preparation. We start by giving thanks for our blessings, and then we reflect on the needed preparations for the future. This season of Advent is about reflection and the preparation for the most important day of the year, the birth of our Lord. When we perform the asks of the season, let us also remember to set aside some time to participate in the St. Joseph Advent services.
Thank you to those stewards who helped with the parking direction during the Dominican Boutique event. This help was greatly appreciated by the Sisters, and helped make the event this year a success. Please join us for our Men’s Ministry General Meeting on December 3 rd in the Church Hall. Social time start at 7:00 PM with club hors d’oeuvres. Business will include a video on the Advent Season, and planning for our year end Christmas Gathering.

I look forward to seeing you there.

Yours in Christian Brotherhood,