Presidents Message April 2022

All member and guest are invited to attend our April general meeting in the Church Hall on Tuesday evening (7:00 PM, 5 April). The main purpose of the meeting will be the presentation of our plan for the 225 Vaqueros BBQ Dinner. Since the lifting of many health restrictions, mask have become optional, and social gatherings are allowed.

Please attend this general meeting to see how you can help make this important event a full success. This year, several features have been put in place to make your attendance and participation very easy. Ticket purchase can be made with a credit card, and the SignUp Genius organizing app allows any parishioner to select a helpful task just right for them. Details of how this will be shown at the meeting.

Socializing before the meeting with pizza, beer, and soft drinks will be available for a reasonable donation.

I’ll see you at the meeting
