Presidents October Message

Happy October to all, the month of fall, pumpkins, and Halloween. This month our General meeting will be on Tuesday October 6th at 7PM and our featured speaker is our very own Fr. Mark Ruiz (see details in another article in this newsletter).

Our parish has started our outdoor weekend masses on Saturday at 5:30PM and Sunday mass at 9:00AM. The live stream mass at 11:00 Am on Sundays is still being broadcast for those who prefer to attend from home. The parish is seeking volunteers to help usher, set up chairs and sanitize and put aware chairs after each outdoor mass. If you would like to help please contact Don Kaefer at or respond to Margaret Sweet at

Be on the lookout for an e-mail from Dennis Dubro with details and an opinion survey on hosting our annual retreat in a virtual format. We are experimenting and trying to think out of the box during the current shelter in place restrictions.

I look forward to connecting with you at our October General Meeting through zoom (see login instructions in this newsletter).