President’s April message

The Easter season is a time for new beginnings; you can see this everywhere. Perhaps you have made a New Year’s resolution to get more involved with your church. The Men’s Ministry can be that way to get to know your fellow parishioners, and make a difference in our community.

The Men’s Ministry is glad to have contributed to the success of events like the St, Joseph’s Conference, and most recently, Holy Week. There are many who have faithfully provided, perhaps small but important tasks in the background that make these events run seemly smooth. I am very grateful to all and thank you for commitment.

Our monthly meetings are scheduled for the first Tuesday of the month, so that means just two days after Easter Sunday. Hope to see you in the Church Hall on Tuesday evening, 7:00 on April 2. Light refreshments will be served, with comradery, and a special slide show from our recent New Zealand visitor.
