November General Meeting log-in credentials and speaker details

November 3rd 2020 at 7PM

Credentials are the same as last month, see you there!

Speaker: Axel Brisken

Topic: Discover Ireland – hidden gems

 For over 20 years, Margaret and Axel Brisken have been traveling to Ireland to visit her family and to do a little touring on the side.  On November 3, Axel will present a slide show “Side Trips I Ireland”, focusing on things to do and see when you need a break from family.  The presentation will last about one hour, during the regular meeting of the St. Joseph’s Men’s Club regular monthly meeting…….

Sure, to be inspirational, tell your friends to attend too.

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 723 651 7968
Passcode: 708108
One tap mobile
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