Just three weeks after a succesful Family of Faith Ministry picnic hamburger and hot dog BBQ, the Men of Saint Joseph were at it again serving up a free pancake breakfast after the 8 AM Mass as part of the weekend long 226th anniversary of the founding of Mision San Jose celebration.
There was plenty of food for all due a low turn out – too many activities after all the Masses that weekend. The men in blue served up unlimited pancakes, sausage, scrambled eggs, and coffee to those who ventured into the Mission patio garden after Mass.

Parish Cleanup Saturday, June 18
The Men’s Ministry did their bit on the Friday before by consolidating the Environiment and Art Ministry’s supplies with the Men’s Ministry’s in garage storage unit #1, completely vacating and cleaning out garage storage unit #4.
This put all of the churches’ (Mission and Main) decorations in one place and accesible to both ministries. The “Holy Smoker” and outdoor portable speakers remain in unit #1 as well.
– SR