St. Joseph Parish/Mission San Jose, in collaboration with the Committee for Restoration of the
Mission San Jose, has a wonderful weekend planned for commemorating the 227th Anniversary
of the Founding of Mission San Jose on June 11, 1797.
Saturday, June 8th at 5pm
“Meet Me at the Mission” Fundraising Gala – An Evening of Wine, Food, and Music, sponsored
by Committee for Restoration of the Mission San Jose. Buy Tickets HERE.
Includes Spanish Organ Concert at 7:00pm sponsored by St. Joseph Parish.
Sunday, June 9 th All Day
Celebrate Founder’s Day Mass at 8:00am in the Mission Church followed by the regular
schedule of Sunday Masses in St. Joseph Church followed by International Food, Music,
Entertainment and Raffle. Details HERE.
The Mission will provide Guided Tours on both days. Saturday at 11:00am and Sunday at