Mission 226th Anniversary June 10th and 11th 2023

June 10th and 11th will mark the 226th anniversary of the founding of our Mission, “La Misíon del Gloriosisimo Patriarca Señor San José

We will celebrate this rich heritage of our faith and community together!  

At the Saturday 5:30 Vigil Mass and the Sunday 8:00AM and 7:00PM Masses in the Mission Church, we’ll ring the Mission Bells and process with our antique silver cross andcandle holders. Additionally, we’ll worship with special music featuring the historic Rosales Spanish Organ.

Following the Saturday Vigil, the Committee for the Restoration of the Mission San José will host light refreshments in the beautiful patio garden.

The celebration continues Sunday after the 8:00AM Mass with a delicious pancake breakfast hosted by the Men’s Ministry. We invite all Men’s Ministry members to attend and join us to serve our community and friends.

Finally, don’t miss the guided tour of our Mission on Saturday at 11:00 or Sunday at 1:00 (tour fee applies).

We’ll see you on June 11th!