Mission 225th Founders Day weekend festival

The Founder’s Weekend Festival was a huge success! A huge thank you to Don Kaefer, the festival chairperson and his team. Also a thank you to all the Men’s Club members that helped in so many ways. From helping set up signs and banners (Steve Radigan), and stringing lights for the Gala (Greg Stephens), taking photos for the Gala (Jerome), playing major roles with the Festival (Skip, Ron, Tom Leen, Mike Gaffey) to hosting the Sunday morning pancake breakfast (see Ashley’s article and pics). It’s fair to say we couldn’t have done it without you. Enjoy this short video https://youtu.be/UTEltb4Ewhw courtesy of Tom Coroneos of our partners at Washington Township Museum of Local History. Thank you everyone for coming to our Founder’s Weekend Festival. We hope you enjoyed it.