Men’s Club in Person Retreat – November 2021

Our annual Men’s Club retreat is on – in person. As usual, it is the weekend before Thanksgiving, November 19 to 21, 2021, at St Francis Retreat in San Juan Bautista. Our retreatmaster is Fr Ken Laverone, OFM. All people in attendance must be fully vaccinated. Following the incidence of Covid-19, all rooms are private and cost $310. One night is half-price and a Saturday only cost is $70. We are opening the retreat up to the men of the parish with the bulletin next weekend, October 30-31, so to hold your place, please email me back immediately and send a deposit of $50 (or the full amount) to me at 3984 Washington Blvd, #217, Fremont. CA 94538. Since we did not have a fundraiser this year, our finances are on the low end. We cannot pay the retreat house out of our bank account. Full payment must be received, mailed to me, by the Friday before the retreat, November 12.

The theme of the retreat is “Wrestling With God”. Fr Laverone says at one time, people looked to the Church for a road map. But, today, there is a certain distrust of the Church. This is part of our current reality. Without a road map, it’s very easy to get lost and go in circles. Faith is not a set of answers; but something which leaves us in mystery, in longing; a desire to open ourselves to something bigger. On the retreat, we will explore our relationship with God, asking if it is bold enough to wrestle with him in the dust of our lives, trusting that the life-giving, loving, merciful, and prodigal God welcomes our encounter with him in life’s struggle at this time of our lives.

Peace and prayers,

Dennis Dubro

VP for Spirituality