March Newsletter Message from the VP for Spirituality

We are coming upon the season of Lent.  Bishop Barron has taught recently that if our heart is not completely invested in the Eternal Godhead, we will never be fully happy, holy and free.  The Gospels tell us that Jesus went into the desert for 40 days to prepare for His mission.  Lent is a time for us to take stock of ourselves and prepare for the next year of our mission on earth – which is to know, love and serve God and get ready to spend eternity with Him.  Our lives change from year to year as our circumstances change.  Maybe we have added or lost a spouse, added children or they have moved out as “launched”, maybe we have different friends or jobs.  As we struggle to live the circumstances of our lives, we can get attached to the means that we need to survive.  Lent is a time to detach ourselves of the many pleasures of our lives, repent, and prepare.  If we think we don’t need Lent, we need to remember the classic phrase reminded to us by Fr Ken on our retreat – “If you are walking along the road and you see the Buddha, kill it”.  This is a figurative way of expressing the truth that as soon as we think we understand the state of our life and soul, we have lost it.  These things are only for our God to know.   We must struggle on with a sense of darkness but with Faith.

The Gospels also tell us of John the Baptist who wandered in the desert eating locusts and wild honey.  One thing I like to suggest as a Lenten exercise is to go out some day and spend some time walking the salt flats at Coyote Hills or the John Edwards Seashore.  Take along a meager lunch of cheese and crackers, or something, with some water, tea or even coffee, and contemplate the life of John.  You can take a short walk, going out for a mile or two and come back, or you can do a whole circuit of six miles.  As you head out from the hills, there are no upright landmarks in the flats.  You lose the perspective of distance and very little grows in the salty brine, although you see birds flying overhead.

Please remember our members who are sick.  In keeping with my usual practice, please pray for our clergy at St. Joseph’s and a couple of seminarians.  This month, pray for Juan Carlos Ponce and John Paul Rabago.  Ramon Urbina, who was ordained a deacon last year is slated to be ordained a priest soon.
