Dear Men’s Club Members, The virus has made all around life and planning more complicated – our club is no exception. While Steve Conn is still working hard to fit the Chuck-wagon into this year, from a financial point of view I am not counting on it. This is a major blow to our ability to finance several events. At the same time, the board has decided to honor our long time donation history to items such as Sister John Marie’s Pantry, Saint Vincent de Paul, Eagle Scout Projects, and Homeless Support. The annual Men’s Club retreat is also still on the schedule. Our initial 2020 budget had us ending the year with $7500 in the bank. At this point, it looks like we may end the year with $3000, which means we have to watch our pennies through the start of 2021. And I am sure that before the end of the year there might be expenses we have not yet considered. To help us better manage this year, please submit all of your reimbursement requests as soon as possible.
By Axel Brisken