July Club General Meeting-July 5th at 7:00PM Parish Hall

SJMC General Meeting in the St. Joseph Parish Hall.

The club will be providing drinks, Hamburgers and chips

Guest Speakers : Steve Skala and Mark Spencer

Topic- Steve Skala and Mark Spencer will present actions the City of Fremont are taking to mitigate the effects of increased traffic volume within Fremont and to also decrease the incidents of serious injury and fatalities due to traffic collisions.   Steve is a member of the Men’s Club and has been active in promoting pedestrian safety for over 20 years.  Steve served as co-chair of the City of Fremont Bicycle and Pedestrian Technical Advisory Committee from 2014 to 2018 when the current Pedestrian and Bicycle Master plans were developed and approved.  Mark Spencer is the Chair of the City of Fremont Mobility Commission.  He is a Transportation Engineer and Senior Principal at W-Trans a transportation consulting firm.   He has a MS in Civil Engineering and is a member of the Institute of Transportation Engineers.  Mark has lived in Fremont for over 20 years.