March 23, 2020


Each year we have a variety of events that focus on fellowship. Examples of events we have had in the recent past are listed below.

Monthly Meetings

  • Typically the 1st Tuesday from 7 to 9 PM. Starting with the June meeting, June 6th, our General Meetings will be moved to the Mission AV room 
  • Begin with Pizza and beverages, followed by a speaker, and finish with a brief business meeting.
  • Recent topics/speakers:
    • Rosemary Alva (Statue at our Lady of Peace)
    • Jay Shellen (Railroad preservation and modeling)
    • David O’Rourke (Elect Vehicles) Photos
    • Dennis Dubro (Trivia) Photos & Presentation
    • Dennis Dubro (History of Oakland Diocese) Presentation

Pictured here is David O’Rourke, electric vehicle and sports car enthusiast, explaining the benefits of EV technology, charging station availability, and ownership costs.

Other Fellowhip Events

A fitting way to celebrate another year of Service, Spirituality, and Fellowship at the annual Men’s Club Christmas Party. Pictured are just a few of the members and spouses in the beautiful home of our gracious hosts David & Debbie Rossetto.

Click here for a list of upcoming Fellowship events

If you have questions, please contact Greg Stephens,, Fellowship VP