Summary of our Day of Reflection (Retreat 2020)

We began the Day of Reflection doing Lectio Divina, or Divine or Spiritual Reading of the story of the Good Samaritan.  We were asked to consider ourselves as each person in the story, the robbed man, the Levite, the priest, the Samaritan, the robber and the Inn Keeper.  Fr Ken asked us what it was that the Samaritan gave to the robbed man.  Pete DeLisi hit the nail on the head by saying “his time”.  

Father Ken said the impact of Covid-19 is to make us fear, and move into suspicion  and isolation.  Historically people have complained and lamented to God.  It is not wrong to do so, because we are talking to God and making our needs known to him.  Fr encouraged us to look up the Book of Lamentations and Job where we have experienced God, who in his wrath has tested us, but in the end has found us faithful to his glory.  God has not abandoned us.   Jesus spent his whole life reminding the people that God is the answer to their lamentations and difficulties, in fulfillment of the prophets, reminding them that he is sovereign.  

Fratelli Tutti is about fraternity and social fellowship moving from the isolation produced by Covid-19.  It follows from the admonition of St Francis in which the sheep are called to follow the Shepherd to the Cross, to find the lost sheep and bring them back.  It reinforces the teachings of the Vatican II document, Gaudium Et Spes, the Church in the Modern World, to promote solidarity among people and social justice.