April and Upcoming Service Opportunity

Men of Saint Joseph, Welcome to Spring and the promise of more dry sunny days between “Pineapple Express” rain showers!

For any who may have procrastinated in deciding what to do during Lent or may have slipped up a bit during the time of fast and abstinence, self-sacrifice and general do-gooding, you have the opportunity for a fourth quarter comeback during Holy Week by helping support any one or more of the week’s events.


4 volunteers are needed to help with traffic and crowd control for the short procession from the Main Church to the Mission Church after the 7 PM Mass of the Lord’s Supper on Holy Thursday, April  6.  If you plan to attend that Mass, so much the better.  Anticipate assisting shortly before 8 PM.

3 volunteers are needed to help with traffic/crowd control for the Walking of the Stations of The Cross through the Parish and Dominican grounds at 3 PM on Good Friday starting at 3 PM, April 7.

Lots of activity on Holy Saturday, April 8 starting in the late afternoon where 2 volunteers are needed to set up a couple of tables and wash glasses for the reception to follow the Easter Vigil at 8 PM.  4 volunteers will be needed for traffic/crowd control for the procession from the Mission steps to the Main Church at the beginning of the vigil starting at 8 PM.  After the service 4 volunteers are needed to serve drinks at the reception and wash glasses and put away tables afterwards.

As you can imagine, the traffic/crowd control is pretty easy since it is mostly in the church/school parking lot.


               Holy Thursday, April 6:  4 volunteers traffic/crowd control

               Good Friday, April 7:       3 volunteers traffic/crowd control

               Holy Saturday, April 8:   2 volunteers wash glasses, setup tables

                                                            4 volunteers traffic/crowd control

                                                            4 volunteers – serve drinks, put glasses and tables away

If you are available to help at any of these, please relay your interest to Greg Stephens (g4stephens@comcast.net) or Steve Radigan (radigan1@comcast.net).  Thank you in advance.

Looking Ahead …

The Men of Saint Joseph have received a request from the Family of Faith Ministry (FFM) to support their welcome event by proving a barbeque lunch after the 12 noon Mass on May 21 in the Dominican grass area.  FFM will fund the lunch.  This request will be considered at the next Men’s general meeting on Tuesday, April 4.
