About 40 members, spouses, and former Women of St. Joseph members enjoyed this year’s
annual Christmas Party at a new and perfectly sized venue – The Warm Springs Cabana Club.
One of our newly minted Men’s Ministry members, Armando Quintana, arranged for the
generous sponsorship of our event by the Cabana Club Board. It’s a wonderful facility, so if you
have an interest in renting the club or joining contact Armando at aqjr5040@gmail.com .
Because we men are used to taking orders from our women, the decorating committee was
headed up by Aimee Hubacek and Dawn Skala. And many others pitched in including new
member Tom Pham and his wife. We had a Christmas Tree, lots of lights, tables for “sitting at,”
tables for “standing at,” and a diversified beverage bar that included wine, water and hot apple
cider and coffee. Adhering to our usual “potluck” format, we had everything from tasty
appetizers to decadent desserts along with the mandatory “Christmas Ham” double smoked this
year by Jerome Hubacek. Suffice it to say, no one went home hungry! Axel collected 2025 dues
from some of our members, and Jerome sold a few polo shirts. Christmas Music was provided
by a combination of Ashley Weerpass and Tom Leen. And the Cabana Club played it all on their
Blue Tooth speaker. It was great not having to load up a ton of stuff from the Men’s Ministry
locker for the party.
The best indicator of “party quality” is how long people hang around. By this measure, we hit a
home run! Folks stayed well past remarks by Fellowship Director, Gary Dorighi, and outgoing
President, Greg Stephens. Although, the traditional outgoing president’s gift this year was
anything but traditional. Tom Leen, on behalf of the Ministry, presented Greg with a drone
(captured from New Jersey?) to keep him busy and out of wife Adrienne’s hair! Finally, we
commissioned Jerome and Aimee’s daughter, Julie, to start taking down the decorations. Folks
got the hint and began to trickle home. However, we had plenty of help taking down the
decorations and cleaning up the facility. Our thanks to all that attended for great food, drink, and
fellowship for all to enjoy. And a special thanks to The Warm Springs Cabana Club for the use
of their facility!
See ya next year!
Gary Dorighi, Fellowship Director