2022 St Joseph Men’s Club Membership Drive

In 2021, the St. Joseph Men’s Club was able to support many worthy causes because of the generosity of our members through payment of dues and special donations.  In 2021, we supported scholarships, homeless outreach, and the Boy Scouts, the Faith and Family BBQ, SVDP and Sister John Marie’s Pantry.  Now is the time to renew your Men’s Club membership for 2022 by sending in your cash or check for $20 to Axel Brisken or bring it to the December General Meeting. In 2022, as the effects of the pandemic subside, we are hopeful that the limitations placed on our fundraising and service opportunities will be lifted and we can, among other things, move forward with our major fundraisers. For the coming year, we are planning a barbeque and pancake breakfast as part of the festivities surrounding the 225th Anniversary of the founding of Mission San Jose. We look forward to your volunteer and financial support as we return to normal.

Jerome Hubacek